13 November, 2008

Deki - What is a Marriage?

I'll never lose sight of what brought us to the Altar today
September 26th, 1982





Today I will marry my friend,
the one I will live with, dream with and love.
Saya memilihmu menjadi suami seumur hidup.
Mulai hari ini dan seterusnya,

I will cherish you,

saya akan berada di sisimu, berjalan bersama,
menapaki jalan lurus ataupun berkelok,
halus mulus, kasar atau pun bebatuan.
Hand in hand
and heart to heart.

So... what is a marriage?

Tentu saja,
Pernikahan adalah komitmen,
"janji" suci akan selalu bersama,
having someone to share
all of life's experiences.

Dan seperti yang lainnya, pernikahan kita juga berarti: hard work, bukan hanya dalam arti kamu menjalankan tugas sebagai suami, mencari nafkah, menjaga dan melindungi keluarga dsb, dan saya melahirkan anak-anak, merawat, mendidik dsb, tetapi lebih dari itu:
Perkawinan berarti usaha terus-menerus dalam menyelesaikan disagreements, misunderstandings, dan juga saat-saat ketika kita mungkin sangat tidak saling menyukai! Saat-saat ketika kita harus saling mendengarkan, satu sama lain.

Orchid Palace

The success of a marriage, really, doesn't depend merely on feelings, or moods, or circumstances... but surely on two different people of two different backgrounds, like you and me..... who are devoted to each other, and loyal to each other

and loyal to the vows they took
on their wedding day

We believe, the link of our Karma has caused us to meet in this life as husband and wife despite our differences. And for that reason, we both knew besides the colourful rainbows, the songs, the warm sunshine, and the chirping birds, there would be difficult times ahead we might have to face.

Rough roads we would walk on, the heat and strong storms we would sometimes be attacked.

So these two unique people would have to bring out the best in each other: Listening to each other, compromising and respecting each other

We will learn from each other and grow from our differences

More than just being at each other's side,
I believe, a marriage is
to treat each other with kindness and respect,
to be patient when things don't go right.
And when we can't prevent
disappointments, frustrations, or grief,
a marriage would offer
hope, acceptance, and comfort.

Our marriage means we would learn from mistakes, accept faults, and would willingly adjust behaviours which need to be changed. We would give a lot and overlook even more ...

May I always need a partner in you, and you in me, to walk through this life together--- someone to lean on at times, and be leaned on, too.


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