14 November, 2008

Kids - You both are a part of me

Dear Ananta, Ariyana,

Sometimes there are times when I have to leave you and go with papa and grandma alone like I did in 1997, 2003, and 2004.
I saw and enjoyed a lot of new horizons, new places, new people. But as there was none of you with me, I felt that something was missing. What I enjoyed should have been more enjoyable to see.
You both are a part of me..... how can I go alone without you?
How can things look lively and beautiful if there is not you around.
Once when I came back from Europe with papa, you, Ananta, saw a Karaoke LD and it was the song: Puff the Magic Dragon, featuring a scene of Paris with its Eiffel Tower. I said to you, "Wow, Eiffel Tower! It reminded me of my visit to Paris". You, about 14 years old then, said to me, "You have to take me there someday, mama". I said, "Yes, I will". And up to now, after more than 10 years, I haven't had any chance to take you to Paris. I'm sorry. But I'll never give up hope, you will be able to afford yourself and your own family, perhaps, to visit that country, especially now that I know you are fond of and have mastered the history of France and other European countries.
And Ariyana.... you have always been so sweet, and never asked me to take you anywhere. You rejoice when you know I am going somewhere and that I am not taking you with me. I remember you often said, "Isn't it wasting money to go abroad so often?"
You are right, Nana, but when your grandma wants to go, I cannot say "No"....
It's just to make her happy. I know well that she actually loves travelling, but for some time she couldn't go on a tour anywhere just because your grandpa was ill and that he needed grandma so much to take care of him.
Since grandpa passed away and that she could cope with the great loss after 4 years, I think she deserves getting her hobby back: travelling.
I believe everyone who loves her would support that.

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