04 April, 2009

As soon as you came into my life

you taught me how to be a mother,
sharing so much with you

You were such a quiet baby

always moving your legs, hands,

and smiling a few times

while I am feeding you

and so playful too

Always did a few smart things
to let others know
"I can do it"

Your elementary school teacher
and grandpa said

you were growing like a tomboy,

preferring doing boy-things
to girl-things.

They said, even the way you walked

was also like that of a boy.

I remember when you received

a reward from school
for having got
the best achievement
and you walked to receive it,

your headmistress said,

"Inilah pemenang yang gagah berani!"

Yeah, I know it, too.
You didn't even care about
the style
of your hair... and still don't!

You have never applied any face powder either

let alone other things like lipstick!

But with you growing up
to be
a caring member of my dear family,
and a girl with self-confidence,

I'm so proud to be your mom

It's actually the best I've ever felt.

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