17 Februari, 2009

Be my eyes
when I lose my eyesight,
Be my guide
when I can't walk properly

I remember,
you were in my arms
looking deep into my eyes and mouth
when I was lulling you

And your tiny hands sometimes
touched my mouth, my cheeks
then a smile appeared on your cute baby lips

You were a darling baby to everyone,
a silent baby with a friendly smile
each time someone looked at you

You loved it when I took your hand in mine
which then you giggled

How time flies!
Now it's time for you to take my hand in yours
when we are walking together
because you know
I am getting old and fragile,
and that
I need your hands
to help me make a proper walk.

Thank you, Nana
with you I feel more comfortable
and sure that I won't fall when I walk
and I won't stumble when
I can only see the darkness

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